Approximately 70% of office workers who enjoy golf are ‘burdened by golf fees’… The average initial investment cost is 1.6 million won.
It is not an exaggeration to say that golf has recently become a popular sport, even among the MZ generation (Millennials + Generation Z).
According to the Korea Leisure Industry Research Institute, the estimated domestic golfing population as of last year was 5.15 million. About 1 in 10 Koreans are doing it. Recently, golf, which was considered a sport only for the older generation due to the influence of TV entertainment, SNS, and YouTube content, is currently attracting attention even among the MZ generation.
Employment portal Incruit (CEO Seo Mi-young) conducted a survey targeting 564 office workers to find out the interest of office workers in golf, which has recently been rapidly increasing in popularity, the reason they started playing golf, the level of investment, and their related thoughts.
Survey participants were asked whether they were currently golfers (golfers). As a result, 33.9% of respondents answered that they were golfers. Next, 46.0% of potential golfers (golf + children, meaning beginner golfers) who announced that they plan to learn golf, or 4 out of 5 office workers (79.9%), were interested in the sport.
Office workers who identified themselves as golfers were asked why they started (duplicate responses). The most common response was △recommendation from business associates, including colleagues and superiors (43.2%), with nearly half of the respondents starting out willingly rather than willingly. Next was △because golf seemed fun (33.7%) △because I wanted to exercise (27.9%) △family recommendation (20.0%) △job necessity (17.9%).
We asked Golin, who wants to learn golf, why he wants to start playing for office workers as well (duplicate response). Again, the most common recommendation was from business associates, including co-workers and superiors (41.0%), followed by golf because it seemed fun (39.8%), and △ because I wanted to exercise (31.6%).
So, how much does an office worker spend on golf? The average initial cost, including lessons, equipment, practice, and rounds, was found to be approximately 1.6 million won. Responses ranged from a minimum of 100,000 won to a maximum of 3 million won. Additionally, the average monthly cost they invested in golf was approximately 400,000 won.
I asked if the golf investment cost was burdensome. Half of the respondents (50.0%) who are currently investing in golf said that it was a ‘slight burden,’ and 19.5% felt it was ‘a very burden,’ and about 7 out of 10 people acknowledged that they were worried about the cost.
Still, why do office workers invest time and money into golf? The representative reasons were △promoting friendship with company colleagues, superiors, or business associates (41.7%) and △promoting friendship with friends and acquaintances (22.7%). For office workers, golf was found to be more meaningful for maintaining work relationships than for their health and self-satisfaction.
Lastly, we looked into whether there was any basis for the recent market sentiment that ‘the number of golfers is increasing, especially among the younger generation of the MZ generation.’ The majority (63.7%) of office worker respondents interested in golf were the MZ generation, belonging to the 1980s to early 2000s. As a result of a detailed analysis of the respondents' status, the ratio of 3:7 shows that there are more golfers who are planning to take up golf than those who are playing golf, so the influx of the MZ generation into the golf market is expected to increase further in the future.
This survey was conducted over five days from October 20th to 24th, and the sampling error was ±4.19% at a 95% confidence level. <저작권자 ⓒ 탑골프 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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